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Using the TM1 Logs to diagnose the problem TM1Web logging TM1 Admin Server logging TM1 Application logging TM1 Performance Modeller logging TM1 Operations Console Read more

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1. Shutdown the IBM Cognos service 2. Go to the installation location 3. Go to directory configuration\functions 4. Make a backup the file OperationTree.xml to another location 5. Edit the file OperationTree.xml 6. Change the value unavailable to ok 1 2 3 4 5 <id>MEMBER_SEARCH_IN_HIERARCHY</id> <qosLevel> <rule> <datasourceQueryType>relational</datasourceQueryType> <value>ok</value> 7. Save the file re-start the Cognos ...

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The default number of visible items is generally configurable in ansproperties.xml file. Open the root installation folder of Cognos BI. Open folder \configuration. Save a copy of ansproperties.xml.sample. Rename your copy to ansproperties.xml. Open ansproperties.xml and uncomment information about DefaultVisibleItemCount as below. Save and restart Cognos BI service.

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