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HowTo: Fix Aw, Snap! page crashes on Google Chrome Browser

If you’re getting the “Aw, Snap” error or another error code instead of a webpage, Chrome is having problems loading. You might also see the page loading slowly or not opening at all.

Reload the page

Usually, you can reload the page to fix the error.

At the top left, click Reload Reload.

If that didn’t work…

Step 1: Check your internet connection

Make sure your computer’s connected to Wi-Fi or a wired network.

Try reloading the tab with the error.

Step 2: Clear your cache

Chrome might have information stored that’s stopping the page from loading.

Open the page in an Incognito window

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More More and then New Incognito window.
  3. In the Incognito window, try opening the page. If it opens, clear your cache and cookies.

Clear your cache and cookies

  1. At the top right, click More More and then​ More tools and then Clear browsing data.
  2. Next to “Time range,” select All time.
  3. Select Cached images and files and Cookies and other site data. Deselect the other types of data.
  4. Click Clear data.
  5. Try reloading the tab with the error.

Step 3: Close other tabs, extensions, & apps

Your device may have run out of memory, and can’t load the site while also running your apps, extensions, and programs.

  1. Free up memory:
    • Close every tab except for the one that’s showing the error message.
    • Quit other apps or programs that are running, and pause any app or file downloads.
    • Uninstall unnecessary extensions from Chrome. At the top right, click More More and then More tools and thenExtensions. On extensions, you don’t use, click Remove.
  2. Try reloading the tab with the error.

Still not working?

Step 4: Restart your computer

Programs or apps sometimes stop a page from loading.

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Try loading the page again.

Step 5: Update Chrome

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More More and then Settings.
  3. On the left, click Menu  Menu and then About Chrome.
  4. Chrome will check if there’s an update available. You might have to wait a few seconds to see it.
    • If there’s an update, you’ll see an option to click Relaunch. After relaunching, try reloading the tab with the error.
    • If there are no instructions, your version of Chrome is up-to-date.

Step 6: Check for unwanted software and extensions installed

After removing unwanted software, try reloading the tab with the error.

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