HowTo: Fix Aw, Snap! page crashes on Google Chrome Browser
Reload the page
Usually, you can reload the page to fix the error.
At the top left, click Reload .
If that didn’t work…
Step 1: Check your internet connection
Make sure your computer’s connected to Wi-Fi or a wired network.
Try reloading the tab with the error.
Step 2: Clear your cache
Chrome might have information stored that’s stopping the page from loading.
Open the page in an Incognito window
- On your computer, open Chrome.
- At the top right, click More New Incognito window.
- In the Incognito window, try opening the page. If it opens, clear your cache and cookies.
Clear your cache and cookies
- At the top right, click More More tools Clear browsing data.
- Next to “Time range,” select All time.
- Select Cached images and files and Cookies and other site data. Deselect the other types of data.
- Click Clear data.
- Try reloading the tab with the error.
Step 3: Close other tabs, extensions, & apps
Your device may have run out of memory, and can’t load the site while also running your apps, extensions, and programs.
- Free up memory:
- Close every tab except for the one that’s showing the error message.
- Quit other apps or programs that are running, and pause any app or file downloads.
- Uninstall unnecessary extensions from Chrome. At the top right, click More More tools Extensions. On extensions, you don’t use, click Remove.
- Try reloading the tab with the error.
Still not working?
Step 4: Restart your computer
Programs or apps sometimes stop a page from loading.
- Restart your computer.
- Try loading the page again.
Step 5: Update Chrome
- On your computer, open Chrome.
- At the top right, click More Settings.
- On the left, click Menu About Chrome.
- Chrome will check if there’s an update available. You might have to wait a few seconds to see it.
- If there’s an update, you’ll see an option to click Relaunch. After relaunching, try reloading the tab with the error.
- If there are no instructions, your version of Chrome is up-to-date.
Step 6: Check for unwanted software and extensions installed
After removing unwanted software, try reloading the tab with the error.
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