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See hidden files on Mac via Finder In Finder, open up your Macintosh HD folder. Press Command+Shift+Dot. Your hidden files will become visible. Repeat step 2 to hide them again!

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If you absolutely, positively will only be working with Macs and no other system, ever: Use Mac OS Extended (Journaled). If you need to transfer files larger than 4 GB between Macs and PCs: Use exFAT. In all other cases: Use MS-DOS (FAT), aka FAT32.   E.g.:  the WD ...

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Where To-Dos Are Stored By default, Things for Mac stores your to-dos in ~/Library/Containers/com.culturedcode.things/Data/Library/Application Support/Cultured Code/Things/ThingsLibrary.db In macOS 10.7 Lion and later,~/Library is hidden in Finder. Note that the tilde (~) in this location is shorthand for /Users/Your Username. The easiest ...

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Try restarting your computer. Reduce the number of apps that launch when you boot up. Goto: System Preferences>Users and Groups>Login Items Use the Activity Monitor to see what’s running in the background. Check for software updates. Organize your desktop. Disable some of those cool ...

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META Manage your digital music collection, with ease Official Site for Meta App: Visit Meta Advanced Music Tag Editor for macOS. Native, Customizable Interface Powerful Batch Editing Smart Artwork Editing Pattern-Based Operations

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