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Things App – Sqlite3 Manually Database Backup on Mac OSX

Where To-Dos Are Stored

By default, Things for Mac stores your to-dos in ~/Library/Containers/com.culturedcode.things/Data/Library/Application Support/Cultured Code/Things/ThingsLibrary.db

In macOS 10.7 Lion and later,~/Library is hidden in Finder. Note that the tilde (~) in this location is shorthand for /Users/Your Username. The easiest way to get to this folder is:

  1. Click the Finder in your Dock.
  2. Go to the menu bar at the top of your screen and click Go > Go to Folder….
  3. In the sheet that rolls out, copy and paste the following path and click Go~/Library/Containers/com.culturedcode.things/Data/Library/Application Support/Cultured Code/Things/.

Convert Sqlite3 file tables to Excel file

– Convert Online * at Rebase Data

Restoring From a Backup

Here’s how to restore backups of your to-dos to Things.

Powerful Commands

Now that you have a selection in the list, there are all sorts of things you can do. Even with a small handful of shortcuts, you already have a lot of power:

  • Insert a to-do below your selection: ⌘ Cmd+N
  • Open a to-do with Return and Tab around inside of it.
  • Close the to-do again: ⌘ Cmd+Return
  • Move items up or down the list: ⌘ Cmd+/
  • Duplicate, copy, or paste items: ⌘ Cmd+D/C/V
  • Set a date: ⌘ Cmd+S
  • Mark it complete: ⌘ Cmd+K
  • And so on…

These shortcuts are all very straightforward – chances are you already know most of them. And if you’re a shortcut-enthusiast we have good news! We’ve added over 70 shortcuts across the app. Press and hold the ⌘ Cmd key in any view to see what’s possible, or check out the full list on our website.


Original Article: Backing up your to-dos manually

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